Relax & Release: 8-Week Online Course Starts January 9, 2021
This 8-week online Zoom course will focus on core meditative training techniques that I have found over 25 years of practice to be especially effective in decreasing mental and physical stress, promoting emotional resilience in the face of challenges, and in cultivating health and well-being in daily life. The structure of the class is designed to promote a lifelong habit of living life mindfully and with greater ease and balance.
The class is ideal for anyone who wants to start a new meditation practice, or who wants to put new energy into an existing one. Or for anyone who just wants to learn some tools they can use to help them navigate these seriously stressful times.
When: 8 Saturdays Beginning January 9 (16, 23, 30, February 6, 13, 20, 27)
Time: 9-11 AM Pacific Time.
Cost: $200.00
Location: Zoom.
People of all ethnicities, sexual orientations and gender and cultural identities are welcome.